lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

Cooking series presents... How to master the SPANISH OMELETTE!

You will need: a large saucepan, 4 potatoes, 4 eggs, some milk, salt, 1 onion. Additionally, you'll find useful a wooden spoon and a plate, this latter one has to be a little larger than the size of the pan. 

Start by peeling off the potatoes and cut a full onion into small chunks. Mix them together in a bowl and start heating 1/4 cup of olive oil in the pan. When the oil starts releasing some smoke, put it down to medium heat, and add the mix of potatoes and onion. 

Add some salt and remove the mix so all the ingredients get fried. Use a wood spoon. Cover with a lid, and leave it for 5 minutes. Remove the lid and remove the mix again. Add more salt. Repeat this step at least 4 more times. Remove the pan from the burner and let it rest for a minute.

Now it's time to stir the eggs in a bowl. Use 4 eggs, a little drop of milk, and stir them. Add the fried potatoes and onion to the bowl and mix them with a wood spoon. Put the mix into the pan and again in the burner (medium heat). Leave it for 10 minutes until the base solidifies. 

Now, this is the tricky part: you need to use a plate to flip the omelette over. I recommend to use a plate which exceeds the size of the pan, to avoid getting burnt in the arm. Once you're ready, push it a little bit, remove the pan from the burner and flip it over (don't panic or the omelette will be ruined!). Hint: you'll be ready to flip it over by shaking the omelette. If it 'dances' as a whole, you're ready to go. 

Leave it in the burner for 5 minutes and remove it from heat. I recommend to let it rest for 10 minutes (it may be very hot to eat). Cover the pan again with the plate, and flip it over for the last time. Enjoy!